To provide the right help at the right time often means sharing personal information about people with relevant professionals and partners.
It has been frequently recognised in local and national reviews of safeguarding and community safety practice that failing to share information at critical times has costs lives or led to detrimental outcomes. A fear of sharing sensitive information must not be a blocker to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, families and adults at risk or preventing crime and disorder.
We have developed Information and Dating Sharing Agreements as a Partnership to enable professionals in Bristol to share the right information, at the right time, with the right people.
Tier 1
At a strategic level the KBSP has an overarching Safeguarding and Community Safety Information and Data Sharing Agreement to set out the information sharing arrangements for our Partnership - this is referred to as a Tier 1 agreement.
KBSP Tier 1 Safeguarding and Community Safety Information and Data Sharing Agreement. Our core statutory partners are signatories to the Tier 1 Agreement.
We welcome and encourage all relevant agencies working in Bristol or neighbouring areas to become additional signatories - please review the agreement and then use the form linked below to sign on behalf of your organisation. You should consult your organisation’s Information Governance or Data Protection Lead and you will need to have permission from the suitable post holder who will be signatory for your organisation. The KBSP Business Unit manages the Agreement and the storage of signatures. If you have any questions you can contact the Business Unit at
Sign Up Form - KBSP Tier 1 Data Sharing Agreement
Tier 2
Once a Tier 1 strategic agreement is established, Tier 2 agreements are needed to detail the specific arrangements for lawful data processing within the partnership. The KBSP has the following Tier 2 agreements:
We welcome and encourage all relevant agencies working in Bristol or neighbouring areas to become additional signatories - please review the agreement and then use the form linked below to sign on behalf of your organisation. You should consult your organisation’s Information Governance or Data Protection Lead and you will need to have permission from the suitable post holder who will be signatory for your organisation. The KBSP Business Unit manages the Agreement and the storage of signatures. The Business Unit will circulate the details of new partners to the agreement so that all are aware with whom information can be shared under this Tier 2 agreement. If you have any questions you can contact the Business Unit at
Sign Up Form – KBSP Tier 2 Preventing Crime and Disorder Data Sharing Agreement