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June 2021 Newsletter

June 2021 Newsletter


Education Reference Group

Keeping Children Safe in Out of School Settings

With the announcement of funding for ‘catch up’ for education recovery - Huge expansion of tutoring in next step of education recovery - GOV.UK (, there is a need for colleagues to demonstrate due diligence in terms of supporting keeping children safe. Tutors and tutoring agencies technically come under the remit of an ‘Out of School settings’. In December 2020 the government published non-statutory guidance Keeping children safe in out-of-school settings: code of practice - GOV.UK ( This applies to other organisations who maybe providing other forms of supplementary education.


New Safeguarding in Education Team Website

The Safeguarding in Education Team is pleased to share its new website.

This will act as a ‘one stop shop’ for anyone with safeguarding responsibilities in the Bristol Education workforce. It has been designed to support the accessibility of resources, events, and guidance. It can also be used by colleagues to easily locate resources when they are needed.


Are you OK? campaign 1 year anniversary

The Are you OK? Campaign has been running for a year this week. To celebrate, a number of videos have been created by partners and stakeholders reminding our communities that their services continue to be open and how services can be accessed during the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19 restrictions.

A big thank you to the partners and stakeholders who took the time to create a video. The full set of videos can be found here.

Please continue to promote and share any social media you see in reference to the campaign to raise awareness and support the most vulnerable in our communities.


Prevent- Act Early

 “Are you worried that someone you care about is at risk of radicalisation, but not sure what to do?  Friends and family are often the first to spot worrying changes taking place. These can be big or small changes that happen very quickly or over a longer period.”

It can be hard to know what to do if you’re worried someone close is expressing extreme views or hatred, which could lead to them harming themselves or others. Working with other organisations, the police protect vulnerable people from being exploited by extremists through a Home Office programme called Prevent.

Bristol City Council’s Safer Communities Team would like to take this opportunity to encourage both partners and members of the public to visit the South-West Counter Terrorism Policing Prevent website #ActEarly.

The website is a resource for professionals and members of the public. It provides educative content about how we can all safeguard vulnerable people from the risk of being radicalised.

Safer Communities is asking people to act early and report any concerns you may have in confidence. Reporting concerns will not be wasting anyone's time and won’t ruin lives, but might in fact save them. 

If you’re worried that someone you know is being radicalised, visit the #ActEarly website for confidential support and advice: ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation

You can also report any concerns by calling the national police Prevent advice line on 0800 011 3764. The advice line is open 9:00am – 5:00pm every day and provides the opportunity to speak with specially trained officers.


Modern Slavery

Bristol City Council are pleased to announce that a new E-Learning module has been developed on modern slavery. The content provides an introduction to modern slavery and aims to raise awareness of what modern slavery is. It also covers how to spot the signs of modern slavery, where go for help and further information. It is planned to go live in September 2021 for Bristol City Council employees.

In the meantime, partners and members of the public can refer to the KBSP website pages on modern slavery and human trafficking Welcome to the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership website. ( or Bristol City Council’s website for current information on modern slavery and human trafficking: Human trafficking and modern slavery -

Safer Communities would also like to highlight the campaign by Unseen to end child exploitation. #endchildexploitation They have a particular campaign running between 24th June – 24th July to end county lines exploitation.  Please click on the following link for further information;  County Lines Campaign - Child Exploitation | Unseen (


Home Office Grant Funding – Safer Streets 2

Bristol City Council has been successful in being awarded £398K in grant funding, to deliver acquisitive crime reduction interventions in and around Portland Square (North Bristol). This is an exciting project that the Safer Communities Team will begin delivering alongside partners in the very near future.

Lot of activity is taking place around opportunities to bid for further rounds of Safer Streets Funds – 3 & 4. Safer Communities will endeavor to bid for these and provide regular updates on their progress.


Avon and Somerset Police - Tackling Hate Crime

Avon and Somerset Police are committed to tackling hate crime in all its forms. There is an awareness that some of Bristol’s communities are at risk of under-reporting hate crime, due to a number of barriers, including language and cultural barriers. Consequently, Avon and Somerset Police have been working with partner agencies and communities to create the following informational videos in Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic and Somali. It is hoped that these will help improve people’s understanding of hate crime and highlight where they can find help and support.

Please share the links below with members within your service area.





​A full playlist of videos including the Urdu, Somali, Punjabi and Arabic videos is available here: Playlist:

Water Safety

Following the recent tragic death of a 23 year old man in the docks adjacent to the Arnolfini, police, Council and other partners have been considering ways to address the concerns of water safety, particularly during periods of hot weather, when people have been entering the water.  This was a key topic of discussion at the weekly Community Safety partnership meeting on June 14th and acting on suggestions made, police boat patrols are going to be introduced at busy times to support water safety messages and deter dangerous and risky behaviours.  As the ‘unlocking’ of Covid restrictions continues, large numbers of people continue to be drawn into open spaces in and around the City Centre, including the harbour-side, which is creating issues relating to public safety as well as anti-social behaviour.


Business Unit


The new training officer for the KBSP training team has now been appointed. Natalie Keeley will be stepping into the role of Training and Development Officer.

The KBSP training programme is set to pick up again from September 2021 after a review and planning period in August. This will include a continuation of the Working Together course and the Advanced Child Protection course and will also include an opportunity to attend Child Protection for Managers training, Domestic Abuse training and Disabled Children and Child Protection training.

Course dates for September 2021 through until March 2022 will be updated on the training page of the KBSP Website during July 2021. You will be able to view course dates under each course description in the KBSP training guide hyperlink on the training page. An overhaul of the training programme is set to take place once Natalie starts and decisions on course content, duration and format will be under discussion. The training programme may need to be adjusted in correlation with these important changes.


Upcoming KBSP Webinars

The KBSP Webinar series continues from June. Both upcoming webinars and previously recorded webinars will be available to view on the webinar page of the KBSP website.

The KBSP are pleased to announce the following free webinars which can be accessed by all KBSP Partners and their workforce available on the webinar page of the KBSP website.

Delivered by Dr Michelle Cutland Tuesday 6th July 2pm-3pm

Delivered by Michele Winters 3rd August 10am-11am

Delivered by Michele Winters, Monday 19th July 2021. 10am - 11am.

Co-delivered by the Sky Project & Police Force lead Larisa Hunt Tuesday 7th September 12.30-2pm

Delivered by Leanne Ellaway and Perinatal team Tuesday 28 September 2021 10am-11am



Self-neglect Policy

The KBSP has recently updated its Self-Neglect Guidance document which outlines the procedures and guidance for dealing with adults with care and support needs where there are concerns of self-neglect.

The Self-Neglect Guidance document provides information including the signs and symptoms of self-neglect, effective practice when working with adults who self-neglect and the importance of robust assessment and providing person centred support using a multi-agency partnership approach.  The guidance is available on the KBSP website.



Shadow Board

The Shadow Board have reconvened after a short break due to exam time. They will be returning to face-to-face meetings that will now take place at Creative Youth Networks.

Are you OK? workshop report

The Shadow Board has written a full report following the discussions during the workshop in February. A summary of the report is available on the Are you OK? campaign pages. Once a response has been received by the Children’s Delivery Group and the Executive, this will also be shared on the KBSP website. As a response to part of the report, a PHSE/ RHSE curriculum task and finish group has been created.

Communication Strategy

The Shadow Board has written and signed off a communication strategy to ensure that as many young people are reached through its work as possible. Once this is seen and signed off by the KBSP, it is hoped it can be utilised across all engagement and participation work with children and young people involved in safeguarding.


A logo has been designed by Bristol Design. A few amendments have been requested by the Shadow Board, but it’s hope that this will be ready to go as soon as possible so that they can have autonomy and accountability for their reports and events.


Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Victim and Survivor Forum

We are happy to announce that St Paul’s Children’s Centre have offered a space to run the forum, which is accessible via central transport links, but also provides a creche that forum attendees can access. St Paul’s Children’s Centre has a large number of links to the local community and can provide a safe space for forum discussions.

It is anticipated that the forum will be up and running by September. A period of consultation is being undertaken around how the forum will look and to raise awareness for expressions of interest.

The purpose of the forum is to feed into the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Delivery Group via the facilitation of workshops, presentations, reports, and various other means of participation. For more information, please contact Jenny Wills.


Introduction to Advocacy and Mentoring Skills

Having consulted with the first cohort, the feedback provided was incredibly positive. They felt that the course gave them a lot of information and was very educational. They would have liked the course to be longer and to involve some homework or case studies, so they could do more research and thinking between sessions.

Making changes based on the feedback, the Business Unit has looked at lengthening the qualification and making it more in-depth. The qualification will now require accreditation to acknowledge the increase in time that each participant has invested. The aim is for the next cohort to begin in September in order to offer an accredited qualification. The Business Unit  is working with the Community Learning Team on facilitating a Level 2 City and Guilds award in Advocacy, which will be the equivalent of one GCSE. If you would like further information about the qualification, please contact Jenny Wills.


PHSE/ RHSE Curriculum

A task and finish group has been created with Public Health, Safer Options, Safeguarding in Education, and facilitators of the Youth Council and Unity BAME young person’s group. The purpose of the group is to discuss the current PHSE & RHSE curriculums within schools. Feedback from children and young people has been that they would like more content in their PHSE & RHSE lessons including the incorporation of more life skills, and for it to be extended to year 10’s and 11’s. The task and finish group is looking at how this can be done strategically, with further consultation taking place with children and young people during the Youth Voice Conference due to take place in October.

For more information about this group, please contact Jenny Wills.


A pdf version of the newsletter can be found here.