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In October 2022, Bakar tragically took their own life. Bakar was originally from Somalia and identified as transgender. Bakar had frequent involvement with agencies in the years running up to their death. Bakar suffered a significant period of mental-ill health and hospitalisation, and they struggled with increased alcohol use.

The Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership has today (04th June 2024) published a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) that was commissioned to examine the events that took place leading up to Bakar’s death.


Read the full Safeguarding Adults Review here:

Bakar SAR Overview Report


A response to the SAR has been provided by the KBSP:

Bakar SAR KBSP Response


A statement has also been provided by Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI):

SARI Statement following Bakar SAR


It is important that lessons are learned from Safeguarding Adults Reviews. A learning briefing has been created for professionals to use in individual learning, team meeting briefings or individual supervision to ensure that the findings are disseminated widely:

Bakar SAR Professionals Learning Brief


If you would like to read this report in another language please contact us using the Contact Us button at the top of the page.


If you’ve been impacted by this review or you know someone who is struggling, please reach out for help. There are many local and national support services that can help you: