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Child Protection Incident Reviews

Child Protection Incident Reviews (CPIRs) have been undertaken in cases where the criteria for a Serious Case Review have not been met but can still provide learning around:

CPIR’s are not published in full, but their learning needs to be shared within the professional community, both what to do differently, and where best practice is identified.

To help embed this learning with all professionals involved in safeguarding children we have decided to issue briefing notes for Bristol CPIR’s that can be used to inform practice, and for training purposes across the city.

Briefing notes for professionals for CPIRs undertaken by BSCB can be found below:

CPIR Briefing note - Tia, 2018

CPIR Briefing note - 'Family P', 2017

CPIR Briefing note - 'Baby R', 2017

CPIR Briefing note - 'Family L', 2017