What's Up With Everyone? - Lonliness
Resources, including videos to support young people who feel lonely.
Bristol Mind - A range of services including emotional support
Call: 0808 808 0330
Email: info@bristolmind.org.uk
Mindline Trans+ - confidential emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender fluid, Non-binary
Call: 0300 330 5468
Email: mindline@bristol.org.uk
Kooth - An online wellbeing mental health community
Naos - Therapy for children and adults who have experienced trauma. Culturally diverse therapists to meet the needs of diverse city
Call: 07768313366
Nilaari - Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic led community-based emotional wellbeing and mental health charity
Call: 0117 952 5742
Email: nilaari@nilaari.co.uk
Off the Record - Mental Health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25
Call: 0808 808 9120
Email: hello@otrbristol.org.uk
Self Injury Support- Text and email support service
Call: 0808 800 8088