Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is unacceptable and can have a significant and detrimental impact on those it effects. It includes behaviour that causes harm to:
Any act that causes, or is likely to cause, alarm, harassment or distress to a person not in respect of their dwelling”
“Any act that causes, or is likely to cause, nuisance or annoyance to a person in respect of their dwelling”
“Conduct of an individual having a detrimental effect (that is persistent or continuing) on the quality of life of those in the locality and that conduct is unreasonable”
Serious or Urgent ASB Incident:
If a very serious or urgent incident of ASB occurs, contact the Police immediately on 101 or 999 in an emergency. You are also encouraged to email the ASB inbox to alert the ASB team of the incident at or call 0117 922 2500, option 4.
You can also contact the police via an online crime reporting form or visit your local police station to report other anti-social behaviour, including:
Report street issues, like graffiti, fly-posting, rubbish or dog mess go to report a street issue.
Report pollution issues, like loud noise, light or smells go to pests, pollution, noise and food.
If you’re a council tenant or the person responsible for the ASB is a council tenant, you can also report it to the Estate Management Service.
If the person responsible for the ASB is a Housing Association tenant, you can contact the relevant landlord directly.
If you have reported ASB to agencies but the issues are continuing, you may wish to request an ASB Case Review. There are specific thresholds that need to be met for a review to take place. For more information or to make a referral, please visit the Avon and Somerset Police website to complete the relevant form.
Resolve West have trained specialists who can help people involved in or affected by anti-social behaviour, including resolving conflict and restorative justice. Their services are confidential and impartial. There is no cost for council tenants. Contact them on 0117 9415379 or email