The KBSP would like to share the new and updated threshold guidance document, titled Effective Support for Children and Families in Bristol. This Multi-Agency Guidance replaces the KBSP Threshold Guidance 2018. There is also a new Indicators of Need Table.
These documents together give guidance for all practitioners in working together with Children, Young People and Families to provide early help, targeted and specialist support. It provides a framework to support professionals in working together effectively, sharing information, and putting the child and their family at the centre of our work.
The new guidance sets out Bristol's belief that working together to provide flexible and responsive support at the earliest possible time and at the lowest appropriate level of intervention is key to supporting Children, Young People and their families to achieve their potential and to prevent reliance on reactive specialist services.
Please can you share this new guidance with all of your colleagues so all professionals working with children and families are aware of the updates.