Policies, procedures and guidance documents developed by the KBSP are designed for use in a multi-agency environment. Professionals should abide by their own agency guidelines as well as national policy. All local and national safeguarding arrangements should be aligned with the following:
The Care Act 2014 and The Care Act Support Guidance is the relevant national legislation regarding safeguarding and Safeguarding Adults Boards.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 helps and protects people who have limited mental capacity to make decisions. This includes people who have limited capacity due to illness, injury or disability. The Mental Capacity Act aims to help these people to make decisions or to be involved in decisions as much as possible.
Safeguarding strategy 2019 – 2025: Office of the Public Guardian. The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has a role in supporting and providing safeguarding to the adults at risk who we come into contact with.
We support the principle that, even if our safeguarding duties do not apply, it’s our business to work with the right agencies, to protect adults at risk. This strategy sets out how we will achieve this.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)/ Liberty Protection Safeguards is a law that protects vulnerable adults in hospitals or care homes who might be deprived of their liberty.
This will be replaced by Liberty Protection Safeguards. You can read more about the changes in this KBSP Liberty Protection Safeguards briefing note (updated June 2022).