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Regional/Partner Agency Events and Information

Regional/Partner Agency Training

This page contains details about training events hosted by partner organisations. These events are suitable for professionals working in Bristol.

Check back here for more details as training events are announced.


If you are a regional or partner agency and you would like us to advertise your event here, please email full details of the event to


Forced Marriage and ‘Honour’ Based Abuse Training 2024

Date: Thursday 27th June 2024

Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Platform: Online

Cost: £12 per person | £10 for students

 This CPD accredited training is aimed at developing an understanding of Forced Marriage and ‘Honour’ Based Abuse and will cover:

  • Definition of Forced Marriage, why it occurs across different cultures and to women and men
  • Difference between a Forced Marriage and an Arranged Marriage
  • Key warning signs of Forced Marriages
  • The Legal Position
  • Supporting someone experiencing Forced Marriage and/or 'Honour' Based Abuse
  • Key specialist organisations and services 

For more information, fees and to request your place please click on the link below:

Sky Project - Forced Marriage and 'Honour' Based Abuse Training 2024