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Training Resources

Training resources that can be used in your own organisations


Guidance on making a Safeguarding Adults Referral

The below presentation with guidance notes has been developed for use by organisations to cascade best practice in making high quality referrals to Bristol's front door service.

Making a Safeguarding Adults Referral PowerPoint

Examples of a poorly completed referral and a good referral have also been created.

Poor referral example

Good referral example

Multi-Agency Thematic Case Studies

To promote the learning and development of the Bristol professionals who work with adults with care and support needs, the KBSP produced a number of thematic case studies based on common issues, providing background, action taken, and learning points. These case studies can be found below, and we encourage their use with any member of the Bristol workforce.

Hoarding / Self-neglect

Self neglect

Hate Crime

Hate/Mate Crime

Frequent caller

Elder Abuse

The Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership aims to ensure that adult safeguarding practice across the Bristol workforce is consistent and effective by identifying learning and development needs and setting training standards. This is achieved through the work of the Learning and Development sub group.

Partners of the KBSP have individually provided a Safeguarding Adults training offer for the Bristol workforce.

  • Safeguarding Adults Foundation. Bristol City Council course for professionals who may need to recognise the signs of abuse or neglect in adults with care and support needs, and know what to do in response to concerns. Available to staff and partner agencies.
  • Specialist safeguarding courses provided by Bristol City Council are available. Click here for the Course catalogue.
  • Bristol Zero Tolerance and Somerset & Avon rape & sexual abuse support (SARSAS) have a training offer.


Guidance on Making a Referral to First Response

Making a referral to First Response: Presentation and training activity, with guidance notes is now available for use by all organisations to cascade best practice in making high quality referrals to Bristol’s front door service.  Download documents here.

Making a Referral Practitioner Booklet

Making a Referral Power Point

Making a Referral - Trainer Prompts

Word Version of Referral Webform

Single Agency Training materials

KBSP has a duty to support all organisations in Bristol that work with children and families to develop practitioners’ skills regarding safeguarding and child protection.  In addition to the inter agency training programme we have published training standards.

KBSP Training Standards 2018-2019

These standards provide advice and guidance to organisations about commissioning, or delivering, training that is effective. 

We have also published a foundation level training package that is suitable for use when delivering training to group A staff, with the proviso that it must be adapted to include organisation specific information about policies and practice. 

The package consists of:

A slideshow presentation: Single Agency Foundation CP Training

A training plan: Single Agency Foundation Training Plan 

Delivery notes for trainers: Single Agency Foundation Safeguarding Training -  Trainer Notes

Safeguarding scenarios with trainer notes: Single Agency Foundation CP Training Scenarios

Practitioner booklet: Foundation Safeguarding and CP Training Practitioner Booklet

Flexible Safeguarding Training

We regularly review our multi-agency training provision and the partnership will continue to do this and ensure that our offer meets the needs of our learning community.  The Partnership is committed to ensuring that any training we provide will be accurate, relevant and effective regardless of the method of delivery.  We are currently assessing options regarding our own provision of e-learning training courses and other digital training opportunities and further information will be listed here in due course.

In the meantime we have listed below online learning with other providers that practitioners might find useful.  These courses are not provided by KBSP and are not bespoke to the local area, however they can offer useful introductions to subjects for practitioners prior to attending our local training, or as an alternative for staff who are currently unable to access our face-to-face courses.


Online Safeguarding Training Providers

Provider: NCA and National ROCU network

Self teach cuckooing videos and material available for all professionals.

National cuckooing comms (


Provider: Hampshire Police (in conjunction with Blue Apple Productions)

Lesson plans available for Key Stage 3 and PHSE available to raise awareness of child criminal exploitation (CCE) and to promote protective factors and resilience.

Lesson plans

Cost: Free resources - requires registering on Blue Apple Productions page.


Provider:  SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 

SCIE provide a wide range of safeguarding courses related to both children and adults, including Introduction to Safeguarding.

Cost:  A few courses are free (e.g. Dementia Care, Personalisation), but most have to be paid for.


Provider:  NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)

NSCPCC provide a range of online courses related to safeguarding children, with specialist offers for Sport, Education, Charity Trustess and Governors as well as those suitable for any professional working with children or families.

Cost:  Yes, all courses have to be paid for.


Provider: Bristol City Council 

Bristol City Council provide a range of safeguarding e-learning including Child Protection (Safeguarding) Awareness and Safeguarding Adults Awareness.

Cost: Free, however you must have an account to access the online learning. External organisations can apply for single or multiple accounts. To request access, you will need to complete a Bristol City Council Learning Hub Account Request Form. Once the request is approved, the account will be activated for one month.

E-Learning Safeguarding Courses by Subject A-Z

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and Trauma

Provider: The Home Office & West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner:

This short e-learning course has been developed to provide an introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences and support all those in contact with children to respond to early trauma appropriately.  It is suitable for anyone that works with children and parents/carers of children of any age.  A certificate is provided on successful completion of the knowledge check.

Cost: Free



Provider: Anti-Bullying Alliance

ABA provide free online training for anyone that works with children.  The programme was particularly developed to reduce levels of bullying of disabled children and those with special educational needs (SEN) but applies to all children.   Topics include: What is Bullying?  Bullying and the law, Responding to Bullying, Preventing Bullying, and others).  The training is free, CPD approved and certificates are provided.

Cost:  Free


Child Sexual Exploitation

Provider: PACE - Parents Against Child Exploitation

PACE provide a free e-learning resource aimed at Parents and Carers but also suitable as an introduction to the subject for professionals.  This is suitable for anyone working with children or parents/carers.  The free course introduces signs and indicators, the impact of CSE on families and what to do if you suspect a child is at risk of CSE.

Cost:  Free



Provider: Futurelearn & University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham provides e-learning training in dementia.  This course is suitable for all health and social care practitioners or for anyone wanting to learn more about Dementia.  This introductory course aims to discover better ways to support people with dementia, explore signs, symptoms, interventions and support networks.  Although the course has start dates practitioners can join at any time after the date and still access the full course. 

Cost:  Access to the course for a period of 8 weeks is free.  There is a charge for CPD Certificates and permanent access to all course materials.


Disabled Children

Provider:  Disability Matters

Disability Matters provides a range of free e-learning resources related to disabled children suitable for all professionals.  There are resources specific to key partners (e.g. Education, Social Care etc) and a basic safeguarding course that is suitable as an introduction to understanding why disabled children are particularly vulnerable to abuse.  There are also courses aimed at enhancing practitioners communication and empowerment of disabled children.  Users will need to create an account if they want a record of their learning/certificates which is free of charge.

Cost:  Free


Domestic Abuse

Provider:  Futurelearn & University of Sheffield

University of Sheffield provides e-learning training for supporting victims of Domestic Abuse.  The course is suitable for any practitioner that has contact with adults, including in their role as parents/carers. Topics include developing understanding of the different forms of abuse, recognising signs and symptoms, talking to victims and safety planning.  Although the course has start dates practitioners can join at any time after the date and still access the full course. 

Cost:  Access to the course for a period of 5 weeks is free.  There is a charge for CPD Certificates and permanent access to all course materials.


Female Genital Mutilation – FGM

Provider: The Home Office in partnership with the Virtual College

This e-learning course is an introduction to recognising and preventing FGM.  Suitable for any professional who has not previously attended FGM training, or as a refresher.  The Virtual College provide additional e-learning on this subject but it is not free. 

Cost:  Free


Forced Marriage

Provider: The Forced Marriage Unit in partnership with the Virtual College

This e-learning course to raise awareness of forced marriage.  It is suitable for any professional working with children and families who has not previously attended Forced Marriage training, or as a refresher on the subject.  The Virtual College provide additional e-learning on this subject but it is not free.

Cost:  Free


Modern Slavery

Provider: Anti-Slavery Partnership

These video shorts provide an overview of Modern Slavery, detailing the typologies of Modern Slavery, how to spot the signs of someone being a victim of Human Trafficking, and how you can equip yourself to react effectively to incidences of Modern Slavery.

Cost: Free


Online Safety

Provider: CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection

CEOP (Part of the National Crime Agency) provide a free introductory course.  This is sometimes face to face but is also available to attend as an online webinar.  Suitable for all professionals working with children as an introduction to keeping children safe online.  CEOP also offer additional e-learning on this subject in partnership with NSPCC but it is not free. 

Cost:  Free



Provider: The Home Office

This e-learning training provides an awareness of the Prevent duty and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.  This training is available to everyone is suitable for practitioners who the Prevent duty applies to.

Cost:  Free