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For Professionals

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are highly stressful experiences that occur in early life that can have an impact of physical and mental health throughout life.

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The KBSP Escalation policy should be used to formally raise concerns between agencies regarding work relating to the Safeguarding of Adults at Risk.

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Information on honour based violence (HBV) and forced marriage.

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Inter-agency information sharing guidance for those involved with the safeguarding of adults.

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Information about the Mental Capacity Act and supporting Best Interests

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National guidance for safeguarding adults, with reference to The Care Act, The Mental Capacity Act, Deprovation of Liberty Safeguards / Liberty Protection Safeguards, Out of Area Safeguarding Adults Guidance, and Office of Public Guardian.

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Information and guidance on Organisational and Institutional abuse in adult care settings

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Guidance for organisations or individuals who provide community activities including faith based establishments. On this page you will find national guidance from the Department of Education for those providing tuition or after-school clubs for children, also known as out of school settings (OOSS) providers. You will also find a multi-faith guide to child protection and adult safeguarding adopted from Faith Associates, Birmingham City Council for use in Bristol.

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KBSP has signed up to the following regional Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency policy alongside four other Local Authorities.

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Use this guidance to balance managing risk with enabling individuals to make their own decisions and enjoy a good quality of life.

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Guidance for working with parents and families who misuse substances

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