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Participation in Education and Youth Settings

In March 2022 a the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership Participation in Education and Youth settings guidance and training package was launched. This was in response to:

- The voice of children and young people expressed in the Are you OK? campaign workshop held in February 2021, where they stated the RHSE and PHSE curriculums would benefit from being more robust.

- A 2021 Rapid Review following the tragic death of a young person and her unborn baby

- Bristol's 2021 Belonging Strategy and One City Plan

- Ofsted's June 2021 report on peer-on-peer sexual abuse and sexual harassment in schools and colleges

- Ofsted's September 2021 publication of their school inspection handbook, which emphasises the need for pupil voice


The guidance and training package can be found here.


The video of the day has been split into sections for easy of viewing: