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KBSP Training

KBSP Inter-agency Training 

KBSP inter-agency training aims to increase participants’ knowledge and skills in the field of safeguarding so that professionals can provide high quality services and improve outcomes for adults, children, young people and their families and carers. Inter-agency training complements single agency and professional training by focusing on effectively working together to meet the needs of adults, children and families.

Attending training in mixed groups has been proven to build relationships between different workplaces, which is important for multi-agency working. It also means that people can share their experiences and learn from each other. It is our objective to deliver quality training in a safe and reflective environment.

We review the training programme annually and revise it according to the feedback received from our partner agencies, course participants, identified learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, examples of best practice, and in line with changes to legislation and statutory guidance.

The training we currently offer is aimed at professionals that work with adults, children & young people, families and communities.

Please also see the resources and training providers on the Training Resources page.


Login here to the LMS


Training dates for the new training year April 2025 - March 2026 now available to book.

Before booking, we recommend you read through the information provided on this page.


KBSP Training Programme

Please be aware that all bookings are now managed through our Learning Management System (LMS). This has been in place since July 2023. All applicants will need to first register an account here: KBSP Learning Management System.

Below is a list of both our core and specialist courses. All of our courses are inter-agency (multi-agency). These are delivered either by our KBSP trainer or by a partnering agency. Our training programme is a hybrid programme, offering both online and in-person courses.

We recommend that staff attend specialist courses once every two years, in between attending their chosen core training for their working group (see the 'Choosing The Right Course For You' section further down the page to discover your working group).

Please be reminded that there is a maximum limit of 3 persons per organisation on any one course/date, this is so that the training can remain multi-agency and delegates from various organisations can attend each training. 



The below core training courses must be attended in the order provided below.

If you have previously attended our Advanced Child Protection course within the last two years, you may refresh your training with the same course or choose one of our specialist courses. 

If you have not attended any KBSP training previously, you must attend the Working Together: Our Shared Responsibility course first. Each training is a prerequisite for the next (e.g. Managers with roles that fit into our working Group D, will need to complete all three over the course of 3 months; Working Together: Our Shared Responsibility (month one), Advanced Child Protection Training for Safeguarding Leads and Specialist Practitioners (month two), Child Protection for Managers training (month three).

Suitable for working groups: B & C

NHS Level: Level 2

This is a course suitable for those without specific safeguarding responsibility, or those who are new to their safeguarding role who will go on to complete additional safeguarding training.

Course length: One Full Day Session

Cost: Non-funded places £100.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places


Course Description

Aims: To develop knowledge and skills gained from Group A single agency training and increase understanding of the roles of other agencies in child protection, and the importance of working together to keep children safe.

Objectives: After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the signs and symptoms of child abuse.
  • Describe the impact that individual values and experiences can have on how we view the thresholds for intervention with family life.
  • Identify the current processes used for safeguarding and child protection concerns in Bristol
  • Demonstrate an increased understanding of other agencies roles in child protection, and the need to work together to keep children safe.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of individual responsibility when we have concerns about a child, a colleague, or practices within an organisation.
  • Explain how to make sure that children are listened to and heard in child protection practice.


Click here for more training dates and to book

Suitable for working groups: C & D

NHS Level: Level 3 specialist practitioner

Course length: 09:15am - 3:30pm (Full day)

Cost: Non-funded places £100.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places

Prerequisite: Staff who have never attended KBSP training previously, must attend the KBSP Working Together: Our Shared Responsibility training as a prerequisite, before attending this course.

Experienced practitioners who have attended this course previously and are re-attending to refresh their knowledge but are unable to book, please email us at, give the training date you wish to attend and provide your previous certificate of attendance.


Course Description

Aims: Develop understanding of the advanced practitioners roles and responsibilities in relation to child protection and improve confidence in safeguarding and child protection practice, including the use of challenge and escalation appropriately.

Objectives: After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the signs and symptoms of child abuse, including the different ways that children disclose
  • Explain the difference between safeguarding and child protection
  • Provide specific examples of how to overcome barriers to effective inter agency working in partnership
  • Describe the elements required for making a quality assessment of children’s needs and requesting a service from children & family services (making a good referral)
  • Explain the basic technique used to speak with children about abuse, and gain practical experience of use of the technique
  • Identify the role of the police in child abuse investigations
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what to consider when assessing whether a child is in need or in need of protection (CIN or CP) and the relevant actions to take
  • Take part in assessments using the signs of safety approach


Click here for more training dates and to book

Suitable for working group: D

NHS Level: Level 4

Course length: One Full Day Session

Cost: Non-funded places £100.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places

Prerequisite: Staff who have never attended KBSP training previously, must attend the KBSP Working Together: Our Shared Responsibility training, followed by the Advanced Child Protection Training for Safeguarding Leads and Specialist Practitioners as prerequisites, before attending this course.


Course Description

Aims: To enhance good practice in leadership through inter-agency discussion and reflection on the expectations placed on all agencies around the protection of children from harm.

Objectives: After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role of the LADO and the actions managers must take when there are concerns raised about a member of staff.

  • Understand mandatory reporting duties for professionals.

  • Reflect on learning from Serious Case Reviews/Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews in relation to the roles and responsibilities of managers.

  • Explore the importance of supervision in keeping children safe and understand how intersectionality can impact this.

  • Explore how to support staff to reduce the effects of secondary/vicarious trauma.


Click here for more training dates and to book

Suitable for working groups: B-D

NHS Level: 3

Course length: Whole day 

Cost: £100.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places


Course Description

Aim: Develop knowledge and understanding of safeguarding procedures and multi-agency working to effectively safeguard vulnerable adults.


  • Understand how legislation protects vulnerable adults and the responsibilities of the local authority in safeguarding, as identified in the Care Act 2014
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the types and signs/symptoms of abuse and neglect in adults
  • Identify the current procedures for safeguarding vulnerable adults and understand the key safeguarding issues in Bristol
  • Demonstrate an understanding of own responsibility if we have a concern about a vulnerable adult and how to report concerns/get support.
  • Understand the impact of bias on our practice.


Click here for training dates and to book



Please check the 'Working Groups' blue drop down menu in the 'How To Choose The Right Course For you' section to see which courses are applicable to your role. Dates for training are available within the LMS.

Suitable for working group: B, C & D

NHS Level: Level 3

Course length: Full whole day session (note: this course will take place in person due to the sensitive content.)

Cost: £100.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places


Course Description


Introduction to domestic abuse to enhance learning and identification of domestic abuse on victims, survivors, children and other vulnerable people.

Objectives: After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Defining domestic abuse within the lens of intersection and intersectionality.
  • Recognising the impact of domestic abuse on those experiencing harm and children.
  • Breaking down barriers on who causes harm.
  • How to respond in a trauma informed approach to domestic abuse.


Click here for training dates and to book

Suitable for working group: C

NHS Level: Level 3

Course length: A full day training, split over two half day sessions - Participants must complete the course in full.

Cost: £100.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places


Course Description

Aims and objectives of course:

Based on an understanding of offender behaviour to:

  • Identify the key features of staff recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
  • Consider policies and practice that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure its prompt reporting
  • Help participants begin to review their policies and practice in recruitment with a view to creating a safer culture


Please note:

As of September 2024 the Adult's workforce training and the Children's Workforce training have both been combined into one Safer Recruitment course. 

Having reviewed the training materials for both, we recognise there is significant overlap in content relevant to both workforces. For this reason we have combined the two courses into one.

We propose to adapt the training and offer scenarios suitable for each workforce in breakout sessions that allow delegates to discuss content relevant to their sector and to provide networking opportunities with similar services.


Adults' and Children's Workforce Combined -  Click here for training dates and to book

Education Workforce ONLY - Click here for training dates and to book

*Dates for the above will become available in February 2025 for the new training year (Apr - Mar).

This training is part of the KBSP training programme and delivered by partnering organisation Safe in Your Hands

Suitable for working groups: B and C

NHS Level: 2

Course length: 09:30 - 13:30

Cost: £50.00 | Colleagues from core statutory partner organisations of the KBSP receive funded places


Course Description

Aims and Objectives of course: 

  • To know about the ways in which children and young people can be exploited
  • To begin to have some understanding of the legislation that is in place to support us with exploitation
  • To know and be able to recognise some of the warning signs and risk factors that could indicate a young person may be being exploited
  • To begin to explore what a contextual safeguarding approach means
  • To understand some of the barriers children and young people have in reporting their abuse
  • To know what to do if you are worried
  • To begin to understand what we are doing to tackle exploitation


Click here for training dates and to book

GCP2 Training

If you are looking for Graded Care Profile 2 training, please visit the GCP2 page HERE

Fees For Training

If your agency does not currently contribute to the KBSP budget, there will be a fee for attending KBSP inter-agency training.

Please note our fees for training courses below:

  • £100 per person for a full-day course
  • £50 per person for a half-day course

All applicants must include full invoicing details when they book within our electronic booking system, regardless of whether your place is funded, in case we need to charge in line with our cancellation policy.

Please ensure that details provided are correct and include a purchase order or budget code/cost code relating to your organisation - please check this with your line manager or finance team before booking a course. Mark 'N/A' in the PO/Budget code field if this is not applicable to your organisation or agency.

Bristol City Council Staff (excluding Local Authority school staff): Cost codes MUST be included on application. This can be obtained from your manager.

Voluntary Organisations: If your income is less than £100,000 per annum then places can be booked for 50% of the full charge. We can only accept requests for half price places at the time of booking.


Cancellation and No-Show Policy

If you need to cancel your training place, please cancel your place on the Learning Management System (LMS). You can do this by visiting the 'History & Bookings' area of your account.

If you are outside of the five working day cancellation period highlighted below, you must also follow up your cancellation in writing with an email to the training team at explaining the cause of your absence. Please make sure to copy your manager into any cancellation emails.

Please be aware your reason for non-attendance is essential to ensure we only invoice for cancellation or non-attendance where it is proportionate and fair to do so. If the reason is not provided, a charge for the full cost of the place will incur.

Cancellation Policy (updated 01 October 2024)

  • Places cancelled more than five working days (Monday – Friday) prior to the course date = no charge
  • Places cancelled less than five working days (Monday – Friday) prior to the course date = full course charge - If you need to cancel your place less than five working days prior to the course date please include your reason for cancellation (workload, staff absence, illness etc.)
  • Non-attendance at a course without cancellation/notification = full course fee

Why five days? - We operate a five day window cancellation policy to provide adequate turnaround time for individuals on waiting lists to take up cancelled places and rearrange their schedules to attend.

Our courses are in high demand and we often have large waiting lists. If you know that you are unable to attend a training, please make sure to cancel your place at the earliest opportunity so that your cancellation provide others applicants on our waiting list an opportunity to book a place.

Applying For Training

The training courses we currently offer are aimed at professionals working with adults, children & young people, families, and communities. These courses are localised to the Bristol area. If your work setting sits on the border between Bristol and South Gloucestershire/Bath and North East Somerset, you may attend KBSP training, but we advise that you check this with your line manager before applying.

The Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership Training team have now launched a new electronic Learning Management System. This LMS is a self service booking system for colleagues and managers and offers more control and management over bookings, evaluations and certificates of core mandatory training and specialist safeguarding training.



You will need to register an account on the Learning Management System before booking training with us.


Click here to register an account



Once you have a registered account, you will be able to book a place on any of our core and specialist courses on offer through the learning management system.

Delegate Managers: any organisations where managers or nominated leads are responsible for co-ordinating applications on behalf of colleagues, there is availability on the learning management system to be assigned as a delegate manager to manage bookings of others. To be assigned as a delegate manager please create an account in the usual way and then email admin to request DM status at:

Please be reminded that there is a maximum limit of 3 persons per organisation on any one course/date, this is so that the training can remain multi-agency and delegates from various organisations can attend each training. 


Click here to log into the LMS


If you are having trouble registering or logging into the LMS please see our LMS USER GUIDE.

Choosing The Right Course For You

To choose the right course for you, read through the below working groups to identify the group that is most relevant to the safeguarding and child protection duties within your role. Our 'Frequently asked questions' may also help with any questions you have before applying.

Once you have decided which working group correlates with your role and responsibilities, please see register for your account within the Learning Management System and book a suitable course.

Group A: 

  • You have some, infrequent contact with children and/or families but do not work directly with children as part of your job, however you do have a responsibility to contribute to the safeguarding of children.
  • Examples of Group A jobs include drivers, caretakers, HR staff, trustees, domestic staff, security staff.
  • Group A training is not inter agency, it should be provided by your own agency and will be referred to as Induction/Foundation/Awareness/In-house training.
  • Group A staff do not need to complete any inter agency Child Protection training.
  • All staff should receive Group A training from their employer.


Group B:

  • You have contact with children and/or families on a regular basis, the majority of them do not have social care involvement.
  • You need to recognise safeguarding and Child Protection concerns and act on them appropriately. You might attend family meetings in relation to concerns, contribute to assessments and plans and work with other agencies and organisations to help keep children safe. You will do this with the support of your lead safeguarding professional.
  • Group B staff should complete inter agency training.
  • Examples of Group B jobs include, teaching and pastoral support staff in schools, early years practitioners, Police, Probation practitioners, healthcare practitioners working with children or families, practitioners in VCSE organisations, youth workers.


Group C: 

  • You have contact with children and/or families on a regular basis. You work intensively with children/families where there are safeguarding concerns and/or you have specific responsibility in relation to safeguarding within your setting.
  • Your job might include completing work with children/families directly related to reducing the risk of harm to the children, making decisions about when to request a service from children and families services, completing referrals for specialist services, completing assessments and reports for Child Protection conferences and Child in Need meetings and ensuring that actions allocated to your organisation are completed.
  • You might be responsible for offering advice and support to other staff in your organisation, delivering foundation
    level/induction child protection training for staff and ensuring that policies and practice within your setting is in line with current legislation and statutory guidance.
  • Examples of Group C jobs include: social care practitioners, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Named Safeguarding GP’s, specialist Health Visitors, School Nurses, Safeguarding champions, Investigation officers, Safeguarding Coordination Unit staff


Group D:

  • You are an operational or strategic manager in an organisation that employs staff to work with children and families (or you have responsibility for commissioning services for children and families).
  • You are responsible for ensuring that the safeguarding work undertaken within your setting is effective and efficient.
  • You have oversight for the development of systems, policies and practices within your organisation to keep children safe and work effectively in partnership with others.

KBSP courses are consistently in high demand throughout the training year and our training email inbox is frequently at a very high capacity. If you have an enquiry, please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before contacting the training team with enquiries.

Any enquiries received into the KBSP training email inbox that can be answered on the Frequently Asked Questions page will be deleted without a reply.

If the answer to your enquiry is not given on the FAQ's page, please email the inbox with the subject heading ''NEW ENQUIRY'' and we will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

Alternative Training Options

Training Resources
There are many e-Learning courses available online, including a lot of free courses. There is a list of e-learning options on the Training Resources page.

KBSP Webinar Series

KBSP have previously provided a series of free webinars on a vast range of safeguarding topics. These sessions lasted for around one hour and are a good way of accessing learning during breaks in your working day. These webinars were recorded, so you can watch them at any time that suits you. Details of upcoming webinars and recorded sessions can be found on the Webinars page.