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Professional Resources

Policies, guidance and resources for professionals working in Bristol

This protocol sets out the overarching values and principles of KBSP organisations for working with young adults to ensure they transition into adulthood successfully and safely.

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This protocol sets out the overarching values and principles of KBSP organisations for working with young adults to ensure they transition into adulthood successfully and safely.

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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are highly stressful experiences that occur in early life that can have an impact of physical and mental health throughout life.

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A strategic partnership between Bristol City Council and Barnardo’s to work collaboratively to design and develop services relating to children who have experienced sexual and/or criminal exploitation.

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More than 310,000 children in the UK are affected by parental offending every year. The imprisonment of a household member is seen as one of the ten adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) known to have a significant impact on children.

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Information about Death in Childhood and CDOP annual reports

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Information covers Achieving Best Evidence and Inherent Jurisdiction

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Includes guidance on Referral Pathways to SARC and Harmful Sexual Behaviour

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Multi Agency Protocol for Children who present to the Children Emergency Department (CED) at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children (BRHC) who are medically fit but there is an unclear pathway for safe discharge

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Information about Domestic Abuse and MARAC

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Guidance to assist professionals working in the education sector to safeguard learners. Includes Offensive Weapons and Controlled Drugs in Educational Settings Guidance and information about the Safeguarding in Education website.

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The Effective Support for Children and Families in Bristol and Indicators of Need documents give guidance for all practitioners in working together with children, young people and families to provide early help, targeted and specialist support. This multi-agency guidance replaces the KBSP threshold guidance 2018.

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In response to the Serious Case Review for Child H, the KBSP have undertaken a focus group to gain a better understanding from front line practitioners and managers on the issues faced in engaging families. The report sets out learning recommendations to suggest what might be done to overcome barriers and how agencies and services across the city can work more effectively to achieve better outcomes for these families and their children.

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The KBSP Escalation policy should be used to formally raise concerns between agencies regarding work relating to the Safeguarding of Adults at Risk.

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The KBSP escalation policy should be used to formally raise concerns between agencies regarding work relating to children.

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Information on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), including local and national guidance.

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Information on honour based violence (HBV) and forced marriage.

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Inter-agency information sharing guidance for those involved with the safeguarding of adults.

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How to raise allegations against people who work or volunteer with children to the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer).

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The Lead Practitioner role co-ordinates non-statutory interventions to ensure that children and families’ needs are responded to in a timely way, improving outcomes and reducing children’s exposure to harm. The aim of this protocol is to bring consistency to the Lead Practitioner role and ensure that Bristol agencies and safeguarding partners fulfil their responsibilities under Working Together 2018.

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Information about the Mental Capacity Act and supporting Best Interests

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These documents were developed to provide a clear outline of the multi-agency responsibilities and response to meeting the needs of children who go missing from home and care

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Guidance around multi-agency professionals meetings, MAPPA, strategies, and Child Protection conferences.

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National guidance for safeguarding adults, with reference to The Care Act, The Mental Capacity Act, Deprovation of Liberty Safeguards / Liberty Protection Safeguards, Out of Area Safeguarding Adults Guidance, and Office of Public Guardian.

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All professionals should be working in line with national policy around safeguarding children. National guidance for safeguarding arrangements (Working Together), regional procedures on the South West Child Protection Procedures.

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Neglect Strategy and supporting information

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Information and guidance on Organisational and Institutional abuse in adult care settings

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Guidance for organisations or individuals who provide community activities including faith based establishments. On this page you will find national guidance from the Department of Education for those providing tuition or after-school clubs for children, also known as out of school settings (OOSS) providers. You will also find a multi-faith guide to child protection and adult safeguarding adopted from Faith Associates, Birmingham City Council for use in Bristol.

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Participation Guidance for Education and Youth Settings to support involvement in the RHSE and PHSE curriculum

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Used effectively partnership agreements and written undertakings can provide clarity and direction in managing a risk or concern relating to a child.

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Guidance for when concerns are raised about professionals who are in a ‘position of trust’ for adults at risk, also known as PIPOT.

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Policies and guidance relevant to pregnancy and infants including; perinatal mental health, unborn (expected) babies; injuries in non-mobile babies

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Guidance around the Prevent agenda, violent extremism and radicalisation, and information for safeguarding children who have returned from Syria after exposure to radicalisation.

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Conflict is a normal part of any parent relationship. However, it can become a problem when conflict is frequent, intense and not resolved well. This page contains resources which can be used by professionals who are supporting parents.

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Following learning from a Serious Case Review 'Child H' completed by KBSP in 2019, the partnership produced a briefing note to support professionals making risk assessments around dogs and other pets.

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KBSP has signed up to the following regional Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency policy alongside four other Local Authorities.

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Use this guidance to balance managing risk with enabling individuals to make their own decisions and enjoy a good quality of life.

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Information about extrafamilial harm and Bristol's response to it, including KBSP's strategy for keeping children safe in our communities. This page contains information about the contextual safeguarding approach and 'Safer Options', the coordinated whole system response to prevent serious violence and exploitation in Bristol. Find out more about the types of extrafamilial harm including; child sexual exploitation (CSE), child criminal exploitation (CCE), county lines drug dealing, modern slavery including trafficking, peer-on-peer abuse and serious youth violence.

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Sexual violence support and resources, including a resource from SARSAS for working with older women who have experienced sexual harm.

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Guidance for working with parents and families who misuse substances

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